On 12th of March 2021 Romani Early Years Network Bulgaria – REYN Bulgaria organized an online event on working with children, who do not speak Bulgarian fluently. The participants of the event were representatives of TSA, International Association “EducArt”, “Sauchastie” Association, “Roma Academy for Culture and Education” Association, “Future” Foundation, “NSO” Club, “Znanie” Association, “Concordia Bulgaria” Foundation, CMEDT “Amalipe”, “Arete Youth” Foundation, principals, and representatives of kindergartens.
During the event REYN Bulgaria presented the “Can you hear me” brochure, which analyses the processes of learning the second language and the effort, which is required by the children and the teachers. According to the brochure, the bilingual skills of children at early age must be extra valued, instead of seen as a disadvantage. It also stresses that bilingual children are often better at learning new languages, but at the same time the teachers must help them out, in order to improve and develop their language skills. The main moderators during the event were Anastasia Novikova, Ph.D. and Vyara Mihaylova, representatives of the team of International Association “EducArt”.