This is Ivan!
“Innovator and agent of change”. In this way, Forbes Bulgaria distinguished him in the field of social entrepreneurship, part of the “30 under 30” selection.
This is Ivan!
“Innovator and agent of change”. In this way, Forbes Bulgaria distinguished him in the field of social entrepreneurship, part of the “30 under 30” selection.
On October 26, 2021, the online event of the REYN Network – “How to work effectively with parents” took place, with a special emphasis on the presentation of the REYN brochure: “Parents’ Corner”.
The Romani Early Years Network Bulgaria (REYN Bulgaria), coordinated by the Trust for Social Achievement Foundation, hosted another REYN Network webinar, with the special participation of Eddie Brummelman, who is an Assistant Professor at one of the most elite universities in Amsterdam, Research Associate at The Jacobs Foundation and a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences. The topic of the event was: “Children’s Self-Views: A Window to Understanding and Reducing Inequality in Education”.
I am Enzo from Italy. Starting with where I am now, and going
back to my early years, I will walk you through my journey to become the person I am today. I will share notable moments in my life – exploring the events that made me strong and introducing you to the individuals who supported me through-out the many challenges I faced on my journey.
I am Diana from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Starting with where I am today and going back to my early years, I will take you through my life journey that made me the person I am today. I will share the highlights of my life – I will go through the events that made me strong and introduce you to the people who supported me through the many challenges I faced along my life’s journey. I am proud to be of Roma origin and to be who I am now. Read more “I Dream of Growing Up! Diana’s Story”
The third European Public Health Week (EUPHW) will take place from 17th to 21st May 2021. The week will be held under the logo “Joining forces for healthier populations” and will be marked with various events at national and local level in Europe.
On 15th April 2021, an online workshop was organized on the topic “Volunteering and activism for the benefit of the community”, which was attended by over 30 participants from the “Young Roma Teachers” project and scholars of the “Active Citizens Fund” Read more “Volunteering and activism for the benefit of the community”
The project “How to raise strong and smart children” is aimed at helping young mothers raise strong and smart children and the target group is pregnant women and mothers with children aged 0-3. The project will train over 70 mothers from the region. Read more “Association MAG – Botevgrad launched the implementation of the project “How to raise strong and smart children.””
April 8 is International Roma Day. It was proposed as such by the International Roma Union (Romani Union), and since 1992 it has been recognized by the United Nations and the Council of Europe. Today, all institutions of the European Union recognize and even celebrate April 8 as International Roma Day. Read more “International Roma Day – April 8”
On the International Health and Healthcare Workers Day – 7th April, the REYN Bulgaria Network organized a webinar, where a booklet with recipes, as well as a guidebook for healthy nutrition of children aged 3-7 years, were presented, with guest-lector of the event Lalka Rangelova, Ph.D. Read more “REYN Bulgaria Network Webinar – Presenting the booklet with recipes and guidebook for healthy nutrition for children aged 3-7 years”