Online seminar “Health for at-risk groups”

REYN Bulgaria

The third European Public Health Week (EUPHW) will take place from 17th to 21st May 2021. The week will be held under the logo “Joining forces for healthier populations” and will be marked with various events at national and local level in Europe.

The initiative of “Trust for Social Achievement” Foundation and the Romani Yearly Years Bulgaria – REYN Bulgaria – Professor Dr. Veselka Duleva and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lalka Rangelova, from the “Food and Nutrition” Department of NCPHA will moderate the lectures “Healthy eating of pregnant and nursing women” and “Role of Vitamin D in maintaining health in conditions of COVID – 19”.

On Tuesday, May 11, a link for registration for the event will be shared, accessible to members of the REYN Bulgaria Network and partners of the Trust for Social Achievement.

The seminar will take place on 21st May 2021, 11:00 h.

Website of the event:

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