REYN Bulgaria organized a webinar on the topic: „Children’s Self-Views: A Window to Understanding and Reducing Inequality in Education“

REYN Bulgaria

The Romani Early Years Network Bulgaria (REYN Bulgaria), coordinated by the Trust for Social Achievement Foundation, hosted another REYN Network webinar, with the special participation of Eddie Brummelman, who is an Assistant Professor at one of the most elite universities in Amsterdam, Research Associate at The Jacobs Foundation and a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences. The topic of the event was: “Children’s Self-Views: A Window to Understanding and Reducing Inequality in Education”.

The event was on 16th of June via ZOOM. Partner organization for the event was Maria Ghiorghiu and her colleagues from “OvidiuRo” Association, Romania. Professor Joost de Laat from Utrecht University was the moderator of the event. Special guest of the event was also Aljosa Rudas, who is the coordinator of REYN International and part of the International “Step by step” Association in the Netherlands.

During the event, Asst. Prof. Brummelman presented his research on the connection between the self-views and self-esteem of children, growing up under favorable and unfavorable conditions and how that affects their performance in the educational institutions. The topic of inequality in the educational system was discussed, and recommendations were made on possible approaches for decreasing the negative impact of inequality on the development of children at an early age.

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