Training of trainers within the program “How to raise healthy and smart children”


On 01.12.2020 was held online training of trainers under the Small Grants Program “How to raise healthy and smart children”, an initiative of the REYN Network – Bulgaria.

The training for trainers was organized and conducted with the help of the Health and Social Development Foundation – HESED, and its main objectives were:

  1. Trainers to familiarize themselves with the content of the brochure on healthy eating and the training manual for pregnant mothers and mothers with children aged 0-3 years, produced within the framework of the initiative “How to raise healthy and smart children”;
  2. Trainers to gain personal experience with some practical elements to the trainings and their linkage to the content of the booklet;
  3. To form a community of trainers to the initiative of REYN “How to raise healthy and smart children” that shares the values of the project and works for the cause of healthy nutrition of children from Roma community.

As we previously mentioned in one of our previous posts, the main goals of the “How to Raise Healthy and Smart Kids Program” are:

  • To increase parents’ understanding of the importance of early childhood in the formation of the child’s personality and their role in the child’s development;
  • Increase mothers’ knowledge and skills regarding breastfeeding and healthy feeding depending on the age of the child;
  • To increase mothers’ motivation and willingness to prepare varied and appropriate food for their children by participating in practical sessions with recipes attached;

The implementation of the small grants program “How to raise healthy and smart children” at national level will be implemented by 10 NGOs, which will involve in their projects more than 500 Roma pregnant mothers and mothers with children aged 0-3 years.

The planned trainings on healthy nutrition for pregnant mothers and mothers with children aged 0-3 will take place in the period January – June 2021.

Let’s wish success to all approved organizations in the implementation of the initiative!

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