Materials from the event “Supporting not only the physical but also the mental growth of children: here’s how”

REYN Bulgaria

For the second year in a row, an initiative of the “Bernard van Leir” Foundation and the “Step by Step” International Association aims to make the scientific research and good international practices presented in the Early Childhood Matters magazine available to Bulgarian specialists in the field of early childhood development.
That is why we at the Trust for a Social Achievement Foundation, along with partner organizations, have joined the initiative through a series of online events to publicize the research and analysis.
The first event we organized was dedicated to the article “Supporting not only the physical but also the mental growth of children: here’s how”.


We are sharing all materials from both days of the event.

Webinar with the authors – March 04, 2021

Webinar with the Bulgarian experts – March 5, 2021

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